Thursday, April 1, 2010

This place is known as the musee du Louvre. Why is this place so important
to my artist? Well, this building is the place where Moliere's fame was made. Back in his time, the louvre was used as a rent theatre. For one of moliere's shows, the king of france came to watch the performance in this building. This simple performance wrote his name among the greatest playwrights of France.

"" N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr 2010.


  1. FĂ©licitations! What an amazing artist you are!~
    Well it seems that we have some similarities. The king of France has also seen some of my work, gaining me quite some popularity like you have, sir.

  2. What do you think Moliere would have thought of the Pyramide du Louvre by IM Pei?
